Thursday, August 7, 2008

C# Dynamic object instantiation and Method Calls

Following is the code to load any assembly and reading its classes to make dynamic instances out of them. You can further call the dynamic methods as well.

//Loading an assembly
Assembly objAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Server.MapPath(@"bin\test.dll"));

//Getting list of all types in a the assembly
Type[] type = objAssembly.GetTypes();

// You can also define a typename if that is already known
//Type t = objAssembly.GetType("testnamespace.testclass");


//Making Instance of object by passing a particular type
object newInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(type[0]);

//Calling the method of the newly created instance by using type name
string str = (string)type[0].GetMethod("testmethod").Invoke(newInstance, null);

Your test.dll will look something like this.....

namespace testnamespace
public class testclass
public static string testmethod()
return "hello";

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